This episode features a clip from Comedy Central's The Daily Show with Trevor Noah's last episode of 2016.
This episode features a clip from Weird Al's 1989 film UHF where Bob and George pretty well sum up how I feel every day these days. Also, a clip from John Powers' review of HBO's West World on WHYY's Fresh Air with Terry Gross.
This episode doesn't feature any clips. The only ones I felt compelled to play were related to the continuing onslaught of Trump horrors and I decided to spare you the suffering in what is supposed to be a joyous happy holiday episode. If I had put on a clip, it might have been from Seth Meyer's great analysis of the Carrier "deal" or The Daily Show's Jordan Klepper visitting a Tump post-campaign campaign rally.
This episode features a clip from a recent episode of Sam Harris' Waking Up podcast (Trumping the World) where Sam talks to his guest, conservative journalist James Kirchick, about the depressing next four years. I only pulled 2 mins, but I wholeheartedly reccomend the whole episode.
This episode features clips from Saturday Night Live's Weekend Updates for the past two Saturday's following the election.
This episode features a clip from Sam Harris' Waking Up podcast episode #51 — The Most Powerful Clown (iTunes).
This episode features clips from Jerry Seinfeld's I'm Telling You for the Last Time (Amazon) where he talks about Halloween and Candy. Also Woody Allen from The Night Club Years 1964-1968 (Amazon) talking about that time he was Down South for Halloween. Also, Bill Maher has some New Rules for politicians who want to pass out candy tonight.
This episode features a great campaign ad for Hillary Clinton, called Progress Is On The Ballot in which President Obama talks about what has been accomplished during his tenure and the importance of voting.
This episode features a clip from HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher about tonight's first, much anticipated, Clinton vs. Trump presidential debate. And obviously we use the term "debate" loosely in America.
This episode features a clip from a ABC News Special Report with Peter Jennings from November 9th, 1989 where he announced the fall of Berlin Wall.
This episode features a clip from WNYC Studio's The New Yorker Radio Hour where they talk with Michael Friedman about his interviewing people across the country during the 2016 presidential campaign and turning their words into songs. I love it, particularly the song featured in this episode.
This episode features a clip from Comedy Central’s Not Safe with Nikki Glaser, where she goes to a Trump Rally and talked to some of the idiots there.
This episode features a clip from NPR’s Planet Money podcast (Episode 707: Brexit) where they discuss what led up to and what the ramifications are for the UK’s vote to leave the European Union.
This episode features a clip of Hillary Clinton responding to accusations that she is "playing the woman card."
This episode features a clip from The Daily Show with Trevor Noah where they outlined how the NRA shifted from a gun safety organization to a radical lobby group for the gun weapons industry employing the same rhetoric as Trump.
This episode includes clips from Adam Green's movie Aladdin, courtesy of the soundtrack.
This episode features a clip from Comedy Central's The Daily Show with Trevor Noah where Desi Lydic asks tourists and locals to weigh in on Ted Cruz' negative assessment of "New York values."
This episode features a clip from HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher where Bill chastises liberals who talk about being unwilling to support the lesser of two liberal candidates because one isn't sufficiently pure. As a life-long Bernie supporter who loves Ralph Nader, I can relate to both sides, but I 100% agree with Bill here. Hillary's going to be just fine if enough people don't let perfect be the enemy of the good.
This episode features a clip from WNYC's The Brian Lehrer Show with a montage of Donald Trump and Marco Rubio making fun of one another in very grown-up, presidential ways. And also a clip from HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher where Bill discusses the very mature state of the GOP presidential primary.
This episode features an extended clip of Sam Harris' Waking Up podcast where he discusses Meat Without Misery with Uma Valeti, cardiologist and CEO of Memphis Meats. I don't normally put such long clips on, but this is something I'm particularly interested in, and I couldn't get it any shorter. Also, while the clip is long it is nevertheless significantly edited down. So if you're interested, listen to the whole interview.
This episode includes a clip of Milla Jovovich (Leeloo Dallas) in The 5th Element. And of The SNL Sportscasters.
Also TSiMH is now on Spotify! Follow my Season 13 Playlist. More songs will be added as new episodes come out. Look out for other playlists as well!